Saturday, November 22, 2008

Decorating for the Holidays

I know, I know... I'm the girl who would YELL at girls in the dorm for playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving....I'm the girl who would grumble when seeing lights in the streets weeks before we even ate a bite of turkey...I'm the girl who made sure she didn't shop for Christmas gifts before Turkey day to prevent taking away the holiday special-ness of it.

But now, I think I've changed. Erin has a great point. We are never home to enjoy our Christmas stuff, so why not put it up early??? Tonight, Erin, Wendy, Becky, Rachel, Jessie and I decorated Becky, Wendy's and my house for Christmas. I have my own tree! It's 6 feet tall! Yes-it's fake. I hate that. But, it's all a girl can do when living without a strong man to go out and cut her a tree and without a little brother to water it. I don't have beautiful ornaments from my children, so my tree looks classy and matchy-matchy. Maybe a little like Home and Garden, but I like it. A lot.

Wendy and I even put icicles on it. day! We watched Elf while decorating and then put in The Holiday to enjoy a nice girls' night.

I don't know WHY we do that to ourselves. WHY do we insist on watching sappy love movies??? Do we think that we'll actually be HAPPY and CONTENT with our situation after watching the picture perfect ending to the beautiful girl and the handsome guy's life? Why do we like to torture ourselves? Then, we are upset when the movie leaves us in a funk.

(music note) All I want for Christmas is some contentment... (music note)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day o' Fun!

Wendy and I had an amazing day. Around 1pm, I saw Wendy stumble out of her room, and I, only a few minutes early, had awoken. We then did lazy things, like watch episodes of House and Office online (because we were too busy during the week to watch them) and then headed off to our last birthday hoorah. Wendy got me a dinner and a movie roommate date and I got her a lamp for her room. So, off to IKEA we went, and chose some amazing decorations and lamps for the house. I think I found a solution for getting rid of that boob light in our dining room. I know the guys in my life will be happy with the exchange. We then searched for Olive Garden. 40 min wait. Nope! On to our second choice, 10 mins later-On the Border. 25 min wait. Nope. Off to search for a Subway. Pablo-Pablo told us about non-existent Subways, leaving us in the middle of the highway- "You have reached your destination." So, we circled around past IKEA about 10 times, found a McDs and ate a burger and fries. Ironic, how Wendy didn't want to go to Red Robin because she wasn't in the mood for burgers. We passed Red Robin 10 times as well. (Mind you, we have only been awake for 6 hours and all this drama had taken place.)

We get to the movie theater and have to park 2 miles away from the doors. I set the car alarm off while trying to lock the door. We do the touch screen shortcut, only to find out that Eagle Eye is sold out. BUMMER! So, Wendy, in her fluster and hurry chose for us to see High school Musical 3-SING ALONG. Praise the Lord I caught it before she committed us to doing that for 3 hours with crazy tweenagers. We switched our tickets to Max Payne. I thought it was the new Bond movie, so I was stoked. Come to find out it involved deamons, murder, violence and other craziness. PG 13--BA LO NEY! We left after 30 mins, got a free pass for next time, went to Shoppers and rented Made of Honor from Red Box and headed home.

Fun, good movie. Cute guy. :-) Becky watched most of it with us. I got to tell her the above drama, so it gave me something to talk to her about. Finally, at 11:30, our birthday fun ended on a good note. I was left in a "aww, I wanna get married" funk, but soon, sleep will over come me and I won't worry about it anymore.

Although, I wouldn't mind a dream about Patrick Dempsey....

Friday, November 7, 2008

She's Baaaaackk......

I got a call yesterday to inform me that my roommate would be coming home today. She was being discharged. I called her sister, and found out that she's medically defined as "safe"- able to carry out every day functions without harming herself or others. Right now her sister has used up all her tears and now she's ready to throw reality at my roommate. She's frustrated because RM (roommate) won't take all of her medicine and is refusing treatment. She's in total denial.

Wait....I have a 3rd roommate?? She has been gone for so long that I've put it out of my mind. I've prayed for her, but the reality of her coming back to the Susquehanna house wasn't there. When I got the call, it took my breath away. I was instantly thrown back into the reality of my life that I have a sick roommate who has been gone for 2 months and is coming back. Every time I think about it, it takes my breath away.

Tonight, we got home around 10:30, and we see her car. We panic. We freak. We are still in shock. What do we say? How do we handle this? Do we get more involved in her life? Do we maker her talk to us? Do we push her to find a job and search for one for her? Do we go on living like we did, not trying to interact?

I don't know what God is trying to teach me through this. I haven't been a good roommate. I haven't purposefully involved her in my life or included her in my activities. Is He wanting me to become more involved in her life? What lines do I cross? Where do I push myself? What is my role? Where do I belong?

Could you please pray for Wendy and I about this? Ask God to give us wisdom as to what our next steps are. I need to pray fervently about what to do next. Tomorrow morning (maybe early afternoon, depending on consciousness) will be spent asking Him for wisdom. She needs a job. We need to meet with her friends and possibly a pastor from church to see what to do next.

She's back. Now, what are we to do?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

More Pictures

Coach Peffer and the most amazing Assistant Coach Craft

Calvary Road Christian School 2008-2009 Girls Volleyball Team