Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The first victory of the day was when it only took 7-10 mins to get the net up. Yep. That's it. And it was high enough and it was taut and perfect. Such a weight lifted off of my shoulders!!! I called out HALLELUJAH and Praise THE LORD! when it was right and Eric asked me if I was holding a church service in the gym. I was THAT excited. There is no way to describe the everlasting frustration we have had with this net. This was such a relief!

We won! We won!!! In our first game, the girls were doing well but flubbing up here and there. 2nd game we lost. They got points because we messed up, not because they were that good. The 3rd game was won by an amazing 6th grade server! We were down by 6 and she won the game for us! The girls were so pumped and very proud. We talked about mistakes and I hope/KNOW it'll be better next time. Game 2 on Thursday!

Please pray for me. Tonight I picked up my bible that I left downstairs from our bible study last night and Erin said,

"So, what are you learning/what is God teaching you this week?"
Me: "nothing."
Erin: "because you haven't been in the Word or you have been but you aren't learning anything?"
Me: "Nothing. I'm not in it. All I do is eat, work, volleyball and sleep. That's my life cycle right now."

AGH!!!!!!! I hate it. I hate the life cycle. I hate having to choose sleep or Jesus. I'm not strong enough or disciplined enough to pick Jesus all the time. I need desire and discipline. I need Jesus. Everyday. I know that. I can tell in my life that I need Him. I can also tell that I haven't been in the Word. Everything is easier to do or not do when the rules aren't read. It's easy to not play the game right and claim ignorance. So, if you think of it, pray for me.

I need it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We've survived

Tomorrow is Friday!!! I should be in bed (well, I am IN bed, but not sleeping, hence the blog) but I'm not tired yet. I've had a full day, from waking up at 5:15 and getting home at 9:30 this evening, but I'm still not mentally ready for bed. So, here I am, catching up on life.

Last Monday was the start of a new school year. I'm FINALLY a 2nd year teacher!!!!!! This is my 4th year teaching and only my first time teaching something again! It's Elementary Spanish and Lower Elementary computer and 8th Grade History--a lot of hats but they are hats that I've worn before so I know their fit. Of course, they aren't molded to my head, but I don't feel like I'm seeing the hat for the first time in the store. I know I like it and it'll be okay.

The first week of school was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long. You know how it feels the week before Christmas vacation? Well, it was longer than that. I was emotionally and physically drained and just wanted to be back on summer break. I wished I could have gotten on a plane and headed back to California..... my class looks about the same (YAY!! I can actually REUSE bulletinboard sets!!!!!) and my ideas are about the same.

It feels like I can't really get going in my Spanish classes. It feels like we are in 1st gear without the foot on the gas. Next week I'm pushing it along and getting into the meat of stuff. And yes, that means worksheet, worksheet, worksheet! It's hard to assess and show parents what you're learning without them. The horrible cycle.

The volleyball season is going great so far!! We started 2 weeks before school started and I feel so much more confident in the girls this year. We are so much further along in our practices and skills than last year. Again, I actually know what I'm doing this time! Our first game is on Tuesday and the next one is on Thursday-both home. It's great to start off the season at home. We have worked for WEEKS on trying to improve the net situation and have ordered two different nets and still have to use ratchet straps---it's such a mess! But, I think it's finally great. It's the right height and it's taut and ahhhh....wonderful! Right now I'm in the position of picking captains. I had my mind made up but because of recent attitudes, rudeness and selfish actions, I'm really rethinking my decision. It's really going to rock the world of the only 8th grader on the team if she's not chosen captain. We think it might be the best thing for her. It'll be painful and I'll have to deal with a very hurt and mopey 13yr old, but a life lesson isn't always easy. I need to put my emotions aside and just make the decision. The harder part is picking the other girl to replace her. I've been told it's only middle school. It's only middle school. When we look back on life, we think of high school. I lose that perspective because I get lost in the whole thing because I don't limit it. I don't think "well, it's only middle school so we can only hit it back and forth, never 3 hits or we can only reach this far or master these skills". It's VOLLEYBALL. A level isn't attached with it. Last year I didn't expect enough out of them. So I DO need to think through this decision and not take it lightly. Yeah, it's only middle school. BUT, to me-it's the world.

Alright, I'm finally sleepy and think I can get to sleep now. Doing morning extended care and needing to be at school at 6:40 each morning really takes a toll on ya. My body is still in summer mode.

P.S. I'm sleeping with my window open. LOVING IT. :-)