Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And her name is.....Isabel!

So many times we think that God doesn't hear. Or that God doesn't know what He's doing. OR, that He really doesn't know what we are going through. But....He does.

It's been a battle with searching for another roommate. Who in the WORLD needs a place from April until July in Lorton? NO ONE. I posted it on a church site and then, when no one was answering, I put it on Craig's List. (Not my brother....the website.... :) I got some pretty interesting responses. Most people kept saying they wanted to know if they could "send me money in excess" and have me "send the extra on to Mr. Blah blah." Dad, dear ol' dad saved me from scam after scam. What they are doing is sending you a junk cashier's check, waiting for you to send the extra to someone else, and then the cashier's check is no good-you're out of money AND don't have a new roommate.

I had given up, only finding people looking for roommates, not people looking for places to stay and decided that I'm going to have to just endure this trial of paying 230 extra each month.

AND THEN....Isabel emailed.

I thought it was going to be someone else from Craig's List and was disappointed and skpetical from the start. THEN I saw that she got my info from McLean Bible website...and I got a little excited. We emailed back and forth, Wendy and I trying to see if she was a real person.

She's real. We met her tonight. She's probably going to be our new roommate.

WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! She's super cute, solid, has a hold on life (unlike some others...) has friends, has a full time job and loves her family. She loved how big the space is and is so grateful that there's a dresser for her to use. It's the same distance for her from work and the traffic wasn't bad. AND.....AND....she has a pretty nice sized TV. YESSSsssssssssss! We're sold. :-)

I'm going to email her tomorrow and tell her that Wendy and I are 100% go for her to come in April and get a read on how she feels about it. I'll let you know if we need help moving her in! AND if she doesn't like it, we even have another person who is looking for our exact situation and needs to leave in July.

Our neighbor was talking to us, telling us about how many times we think God's timing should be NOW and that it's going to be totally wrong if it isn't--and then bam! He shows us again and again and again that He has it under control. It wasn't past His limit. It wasn't outside of His reach or His will.

Prayer requests-I haven't done this before, I don't think, but here it goes.
Wendy's fiance really needs a job and wisdom on future decisions.
I need to find a place to live in the fall, or 2 more roommates to come live here. There are so many things that are up in the air.

And yet...we need to remember that even though it feels past our limits, God knows. He has other limits.

He knows.

1 comment:

Cara said...

That was very inspiring Abby. Thank you for the encouragement, you have no idea how much I've needed it.