Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One liners from the Classroom

3rd Grade boy: "Ms. Craig, today's Ash Wednesday."
"What are you giving up?"
"My brother."

1st Grade fashionista: "Ms. Señorita Peffer, I love the ribbon in your hair. You always wear matching stuff. Everytime before I come to Spanish class, I stop and think, 'I wonder what Ms.Señorita Peffer is wearing today!"
"You do not!"
"Yes, I do!"
"You're unbelievable."

8th Grade class: "Ms. Peffer, why were you mad at us the other day?"
Me: "Oh, you remember that huh? That was before the snowstorm. That was a long time ago."
"Yah, but you wouldn't let the sub give us candy. She had candy for us!"
(everyone always remembers when they're denied candy, but NO one remembers the homework assignment)

Kindergartner: "Woah Ms. Peffer. Your sweater looks SOFT!!! (proceeds to feel my sweater...across my chest)
"WOAH!" and grab his hand and guide him into the classroom.

Kindergartner, greeting me as he's walking into the middle school for computer: "Hi Sweetie!!"

8th Grade
Me: "You're suppose to be working. The answers are in your book. Why isn't your book open?"
Boy: "I have x-ray vision."
Me: "Ummmmmmmmm..........I hope not......(as I almost felt the need to cover myself)
Boy: "Uhh...uhh.... NO! Ms. Peffer! For my book, only for my book..."
Me: "Man, you're turning red!"
Boy: "tsk...I can't turn red, I'm black!"
His best friend: "'re red man...."
Girl: "Who knows what ELSE he'd do with it..."

Me: "man, she's been absent for a long time. I wonder if she's boycotting school."
Boy: "I'd get in so much trouble for tryi.....
Me: "  NO! She's not really...
Girl: "Oh my word. She's probably sick. Come on Mickey!"

And the best of today....
   I've sent the 8th grade back to the middle school while I grabbed my computer and jacket. RIGHT as I step outside, I see the 8th grader who always gets caught pick up a clump of snow.

I yell across the parking lot, "1 DEMERIT!!!"
And to myself, " Yesssss! Thank you Lord!"

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